Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Raven: Unity Asset Store ~ First Upload

First Upload to Unity Asset Store

Eager to begin earning money off my currently under-construction game, I decided to upload a ship to Unity's asset store.  Just to test the waters.

Modeled and Textured in Blender.  Polished in Gimp.

Textures: 4096x4096
Mesh:  7564 triangles

Resolutions built excessively high in hopes that the models will not become outdated before the game is released...

One week after submission, the package was denied, requesting three improvements:  poly-reduction (no surprise), a subtle change to the main image, and a website.

The Second Upload

After remaking the model (nearly from scratch) I am ready for a second submission to the asset store.

The major challenge was dropping the poly count using Blender from 7564 to 3880 tris.  It is now a twin-engine design.  It literally meant modeling, unwrapping, and texturing the model all over again.  However, I am happy with the result.  In fact the result has much better texture usage, as well as a custom shader allowing the designer to change the color of the lights on the ship "on the fly".

The material properties allow easy variations of the ship.  Here are a few examples ~

This evening I am submitting it to the Unity Asset Store for a second review...

A few days after the submittion, the asset was denied again, requesting the texture size be dropped from 4096x4096 to 2048x2048.  This dropped the download size from 100mb to about 25mb.

The Third (and final) Upload

About 2 days after the third upload, I received a "Congratulations!" email.  That felt good.  You can now view it here on the Unity Asset Store.  I invested many weeks perfecting this ship.  Proud to have it finished.  Please fly it kindly, it just left the body shop.


1 comment:

  1. I need a bunch of ships for my game, and i think this style would work. Check out my game here: http://quintet.us and email me if you can: carmine@carmine.com


